Distribution and Type of Value-Based Framework Implemented at Cancer Centers

  1. 59% of physicians/Quality Officer respondents had used or implemented a value-based framework
  2. 18 out of 22 community cancer centers and 8 out of 23 academic cancer centers had used or implemented a value-based framework
  3. NCCN* evidence blocks: 83% of community cancer centers and 88% of academic cancer centers
  4. ASCO* value framework: 22% of community cancer centers and 50% of academic cancer centers
  5. Other: 44% of community cancer centers and 25% of academic cancer centers
Notes: Survey results from 45 physicians and quality officers at 28 US cancer centers. *NCCN denotes National Comprehensive Cancer Network. *ASCO denotes American Society of Clinical Oncology.

Source: Journal of Managed Care Specialty Pharmacy, June 15, 2023 - https://www.jmcp.org/doi/10.18553/jmcp.2023.22352